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Frequently Asked Questions

Who do I call if my student is sick?

Please call the school (338-0802) by 9:00 am to report a student absence. You may also leave a message outside of office hours at 338-0802 ext. 7001. Be sure to leave your name, the student's name, and reason for absence. We encourage students to check Canvas and/or email their teachers for homework missed while absent. Official homework requests can be made to the office once the student has been absent three consecutive days.

What if I need to pick up my student during the school day for an appointment?

If your student needs to miss school for an appointment, please send a note to the main office with the following information: student's name, date, time to be released, and your signature. Students are allowed to sign themselves out, however, we do not allow students to leave the building until they see their ride. The carpool line at the end of the day makes this very difficult so if you will need to pick them up between 3:30 pm and 3:40 pm please call or come into the office to let us know you have arrived. Please provide official documentation from the doctor's office immediately upon returning to school.

What if we are going on vacation during the school year?

Please notify your student's teachers as well as the main office (in writing) at least one week prior to your scheduled vacation. Students should talk to each of their teachers regarding make-up work during their absence. Assignments are due the day they return to school.

Before/After school drop-off/pick-up procedures.

Please join the parent pick-up line that extends from the driveway to the parking lot closest to the football field (west lot). Students can load into cars at any point along the green line in front of the building; please continue to pull forward to the end of the sidewalk. For the safety of students, we ask that parents do not park in the lot as students are not to walk through the parking lot without an adult. If you need to pick your child up between 3:30 and dismissal, please call or come into the office to let them know you have arrived.


*Please see the student handbook for the official attendance policy.